Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Acquiring a University Education

In Malaysia there are ten local public universities, one international university, six private universities and over 500 Public Higher Educational Institutions (PHEIs) providing undergraduate and postgraduate studies. PHEIs are non-government aided institutions that are fully funded by the private sector, and are open to all races in Malaysia as well as foreign students. PHEIs complement and supplement the government's efforts in education development.
To ensure quality education and to safe-guard the interests of the students. all private educational institutions are required to register with the Ministry of Education. The private institutions are well guided by laws on the establishment, management and operation of private educational institutions. PHEls that are approved by the Minister of Education are constantly under the scrutiny of the National Accreditation Board (NAB) or Lembaga Akreditasi Negara (LAN), a statutory body responsible for governing the standard and qua1ity of higher education provided by the PHEIs. LAN is committed to uphold the highest academic standards, and plays a vital role in the establishment of minimum standards and accreditation of courses.

The Systematic Education Group of Colleges operates eight Private Higher Educational Institutions. Established in 1977, Systematic's prime objective was to provide training to school leavers for their future career in Accounting, Business, Computing, Marketing, Management, Banking, Secretarial and Commerce and Industry. Malaysia is extremely conducive to study, and many Malaysian students have won prizes for outstanding academic results. With more than 23 years of experience, Systematic has produced a consistent flow of World and Malaysian prize-winners for the various professional courses, such as LCCI, ACCA, CIMA, ICSA, ABE and CIM. The catalyst for Systematic's success is the complete training system, that includes specially written materials including study packs, past year questions and answers, and test packs that are updated yearly. From its humble beginning in the 70's, Systematic Group of Colleges currently has about 10,000 students, with approximately 200-300 international students studying in the various Systematic City campuses in Malaysia. These students are from Indonesia, China, PakiStan, Maldives, India, Myanmar, Taiwan, Sri Lanka and even as far as Belgium. There is a host of specially organised activities, such as orientation programmes, festive and cultural events, and community projects, to assist international students to acclimatise.
In Malaysia institutions of learning are committed to international students' welfare . There is a wide range of off-campus and on-campus accommodation to meet different students' budgets, and all living accommodation is modem and comfortable. Estimated living expenses range from USD 3,000 p.a. to USD 5,000 p.a. and vary from one state to another throughout Malaysia. The cost of living also varies depending on the students' style of living. We have the experience, the people and the facilities - don't give yourself anything less. We welcome you to visit us! .

Monday, April 5, 2010

smoking(oral test)

Smoking is one of the worst things kids or adults can do to their bodies. Yet every single day about 3,900 kids between the ages 12 and 17 start smoking. Most middle school students don't smoke — only about 1 in 16 does. And most high school students don't smoke either — about 1 in 5 does (that means 4 out of 5 don't).
There's more than just one simple answer. Some kids may start smoking just because they're curious. Others may like the idea of doing something dangerous — something grown ups don't want them to do. Still others might know lots of people who smoke and they might think it's a way to act or look like an adult. Fortunately, fewer people are starting smoking than a few years ago.
Maybe that's because more and more people have learned that smoking and tobacco use can cause cancer and heart disease. But sometimes kids can't really think that far into the future to worry about an illness they might not get for many years.

Friday, April 2, 2010

Water pollution is contamination of water by foreign matter that deteriorates the quality of the water.Water pollution covers pollution in liquid forms like ocean pollution and river pollution.As the applies,liquid pollution occurs in the oceans,lakes,streams,river,underground water and bays in short liquid-containing areas.
It involves the release of toxic substances,pathogenic germs,substances that require much oxygan to decompose,easy-soluble substances,radioactive that bocome deposited upon the bottom and their accumulation will interfere with the conition of aquatic ecosystems.
For examples,the eutrophication lack of oxygen in a water by axcessive algae growths because of enrichment of pollution.